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OBJECT SET COORDINATES ( {* ;} object ; esquerda ; superior {; direita ; bottom} )

*Operador🡒Se especificar, objeto é um nome de objeto (cadeia) Se omite, objeto é um campo ou uma variável
objectInteiro longo🡒Nome de objeto (se * for especificado) ou
Campo ou variável (se * for omitido)
esquerdaInteiro longo🡒Coordenada esquerda do objeto em pixels
superiorInteiro longo🡒Coordenada superior do objeto em pixels
direitaInteiro longo🡒Coordenada direita do objeto em pixels
bottomInteiro longo🡒Coordenada inferior do objeto em pixels


The OBJECT SET COORDINATES command modifies the location and, optionally, the size of the object(s) designated by the object and * parameters for the current process.

Note: This command is the equivalent of using the OBJECT MOVE command and passing its 2nd * parameter.

Passing the optional * parameter indicates that the object parameter is an object name (string). If you do not pass this parameter, it indicates that the object parameter is a field or variable. In this case, you pass a field or variable reference instead of a string (field or variable object only).

In the left and top parameters, pass the new absolute coordinates of the object in the form. These coordinates must be expressed in pixels with respect to the top left corner of the form.

You can also pass absolute coordinate values in the right and bottom parameters, indicating the bottom right corner of the object. If this corner does not correspond to the corner of the object after application of the left and top parameters, the object is resized accordingly.

Note: If you want to move an object relative to its initial position, we recommend using the existing OBJECT MOVE command.

This command only functions in the following contexts:


A seguinte declaração localiza oi objeto "button_1" nas coordenadas (10,20) (30,40):

 OBJECT SET COORDINATES(*;"button_1";10;20;30;40)

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