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Version: 20 R5


The catalog describes all the dataclasses and attributes available in the datastore.

Available syntaxes

$catalog/$catalogReturns a list of the dataclasses in your project along with two URIs
$catalog/$all/$catalog/$allReturns information about all of your project's dataclasses and their attributes
$catalog/{dataClass}/$catalog/EmployeeReturns information about a dataclass and its attributes
$catalog/DataStoreClassFunction/$catalog/authentifyExecutes the datastore class function if it exists


Returns a list of the dataclasses in your project along with two URIs: one to access the information about its structure and one to retrieve the data in the dataclass


When you call $catalog, a list of the dataclasses is returned along with two URIs for each dataclass in your project's datastore.

Only the exposed dataclasses are shown in this list for your project's datastore. For more information, please refer to Exposing tables and fields section.

Here is a description of the properties returned for each dataclass in your project's datastore:

nameStringName of the dataclass.
uriStringA URI allowing you to obtain information about the dataclass and its attributes.
dataURIStringA URI that allows you to view the data in the dataclass.


GET /rest/$catalog


dataClasses: [
name: "Company",
uri: "$catalog/Company",
dataURI: ""
name: "Employee",
uri: "$catalog/Employee",
dataURI: ""


Returns information about all of your project's dataclasses and their attributes


Calling $catalog/$all allows you to receive detailed information about the attributes in each of the dataclasses in your project's active model.

For more information about what is returned for each dataclass and its attributes, use $catalog/\{dataClass\}.


GET /rest/$catalog/$all



"dataClasses": [
"name": "Company",
"className": "Company",
"collectionName": "CompanySelection",
"tableNumber": 2,
"scope": "public",
"dataURI": "/rest/Company",
"attributes": [
"name": "ID",
"kind": "storage",
"fieldPos": 1,
"scope": "public",
"indexed": true,
"type": "long",
"identifying": true
"name": "name",
"kind": "storage",
"fieldPos": 2,
"scope": "public",
"type": "string"
"name": "revenues",
"kind": "storage",
"fieldPos": 3,
"scope": "public",
"type": "number"
"name": "staff",
"kind": "relatedEntities",
"fieldPos": 4,
"scope": "public",
"type": "EmployeeSelection",
"reversePath": true,
"path": "employer"
"name": "url",
"kind": "storage",
"scope": "public",
"type": "string"
"key": [
"name": "ID"
"name": "Employee",
"className": "Employee",
"collectionName": "EmployeeSelection",
"tableNumber": 1,
"scope": "public",
"dataURI": "/rest/Employee",
"attributes": [
"name": "ID",
"kind": "storage",
"scope": "public",
"indexed": true,
"type": "long",
"identifying": true
"name": "firstname",
"kind": "storage",
"scope": "public",
"type": "string"
"name": "lastname",
"kind": "storage",
"scope": "public",
"type": "string"
"name": "employer",
"kind": "relatedEntity",
"scope": "public",
"type": "Company",
"path": "Company"
"key": [
"name": "ID"


Returns information about a dataclass and its attributes


Calling $catalog/\{dataClass\} for a specific dataclass will return the following information about the dataclass and the attributes it contains. If you want to retrieve this information for all the dataclasses in your project's datastore, use $catalog/$all.

The information you retrieve concerns the following:

  • Dataclass
  • Attribute(s)
  • Method(s) if any
  • Primary key


The following properties are returned for an exposed dataclass:

nameStringName of the dataclass
collectionNameStringName of an entity selection on the dataclass
tableNumberNumberTable number in the 4D database
scopeStringScope for the dataclass (note that only dataclasses whose Scope is public are displayed)
dataURIStringA URI to the data in the dataclass


Here are the properties for each exposed attribute that are returned:

nameStringAttribute name.
kindStringAttribute type (storage or relatedEntity).
fieldPosNumberPosition of the field in the database table).
scopeStringScope of the attribute (only those attributes whose scope is Public will appear).
indexedStringIf any Index Kind was selected, this property will return true. Otherwise, this property does not appear.
typeStringAttribute type (bool, blob, byte, date, duration, image, long, long64, number, string, uuid, or word) or the dataclass for a N->1 relation attribute.
identifyingBooleanThis property returns True if the attribute is the primary key. Otherwise, this property does not appear.
pathStringName of the dataclass for a relatedEntity attribute, or name of the relation for a relatedEntities attribute.
foreignKeyStringFor a relatedEntity attribute, name of the related attribute.
inverseNameStringName of the opposite relation for a relatedEntity or relateEntities attribute.

Primary Key

The key object returns the name of the attribute defined as the Primary Key for the dataclass.


You can retrieve the information regarding a specific dataclass.

GET /rest/$catalog/Employee


name: "Employee",
className: "Employee",
collectionName: "EmployeeCollection",
scope: "public",
dataURI: "",
defaultTopSize: 20,
extraProperties: {
panelColor: "#76923C",
__CDATA: "\n\n\t\t\n",
panel: {
isOpen: "true",
pathVisible: "true",
__CDATA: "\n\n\t\t\t\n",
position: {
X: "394",
Y: "42"
attributes: [
name: "ID",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
indexed: true,
type: "long",
identifying: true
name: "firstName",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "string"
name: "lastName",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "string"
name: "fullName",
kind: "calculated",
scope: "public",
type: "string",
readOnly: true
name: "salary",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "number",
defaultFormat: {
format: "$###,###.00"
name: "photo",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "image"
name: "employer",
kind: "relatedEntity",
scope: "public",
type: "Company",
path: "Company"
name: "employerName",
kind: "alias",
scope: "public",

type: "string",
path: "",
readOnly: true
name: "description",
kind: "storage",
scope: "public",
type: "string",
multiLine: true
key: [
name: "ID"