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Version: v20

User information query

Now let's filter our app content depending on the account manager's login email address (user information):

  • Go to the Data section.
  • Right-click in the Filter query field to make Field, Comparators and Operators buttons appear.
  • Click on the Operators button and select AND.
  • Now define the user information you want to get from the database method, :email.
  • Remember to validate the query by clicking on the Validate button. If not, you won't be able to build your app.

User information query

Status = 'In Progress' & manager.Email = :email 

The query will filter data depending on the In Progress status AND the Account manager's email address (accessible from the AccountManager table thanks to the Many-to-One relation on the manager's name).


  • A user icon is displayed on the right of each table when a user information filter is applied to it.
  • As soon as a query is based on user information and validated, you need to edit the Mobile app authentication method. To do so, right-click on the Edit authentication method button to open the database method edition window.

Add the following line in the database method:

$response.userInfo:=New object("email";$

This will allow retrieving the manager's login email address and displaying data depending on that criteria.

User information query

Now if you build your app and enter "" as login email, you'll find all of Michelle Simpson's "In progress" contracts.

Final result