Model Editor Interface
The Data Model Editor allows you to define the Model ( database structure) for your application.
A model is a description of how data will be accessed and stored into structures called "datastore classes." In each datastore class, you create attributes that store, calculate data, or refer to data in other datastore classes (relation attributes). As well as functions to interact with the data in your model.
To open your project\'s active model you double click on in your project's sidebar menu.
The Data Model Editor is made up of the following areas:
- Workspace
- Toolbar
- Miniature Overview Area
- Datastore Classes Area
- Properties Area (coming soon)
WorkspaceIn the workspace is where you create a datastore model for your Qodly project. A datastore model is made up of one or more datastore classes containing attributes, you can also create relation attributes , which are links between datastore classes.
Below is an example datastore model for a simple structure of employees and companies:
**screenshot of the datastore classes**
You can identify the currently selected datastore class by its highlighted border in the workspace. In our example, the Company datastore class is selected.
You can move a datastore class in the Workspace by a select and drag action.
ToolbarThe toolbar bordering the top of your workspace contains 3 actions:
On the left side:
Fit view : By clicking on the
icon you will get a fitted view of your entire datastore classes Model in the Workspace area.
reload model :
On the right side:
- Zoom feature
: Controls the percentage of zoom in your workspace area, press either the + (Plus sign) or - (Minus sign) to make the Data model in your workspace larger or smaller.
Miniature Overview AreaThe Miniature Area allows you to view an overview of your model at a smaller scale. This feature is especially useful when you have a large number of datastore classes and you want to quickly visualize them.
Datastore Classes AreaAll the datastore classes in your datastore model are listed in this area:
You can select the datastore class in the workspace by clicking on it in the list.
From this area, you can execute any of the following actions for a specific datastore class:
fit to view : to show a fitted view of the selected datastore class in your workspace area.
import from CSV : Allows you to import data from a CSV file.
You can delete the datastore class completely by clicking on the
Properties AreaThe model properties area is coming soon.
Datastore Class Properties AreaFor a datastore class, the Properties area contains Panel color, Primary key, Class name and Section name, Scope, Page size, a Records definitely deleted and Include in log file check cases and an area Comment for writing comments.
Attribute Properties AreaFor an attribute, the properties available differ depending on the attribute type (test this theory).
Datastore Class Functions Properties AreaThe Properties tab is available for datastore class functions.