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SET ALLOWED METHODS ( methodsArray )

methodsArrayText arrayArray of method names


The SET ALLOWED METHODS command designates the project methods that can be entered via the application.

4D includes a security mechanism that filters enterable project methods from the following contexts:

  • The formula editor - allowed methods appear at the end of the list of default commands and can be used in formulas (see section Description of formula editor).
  • The label editor - the allowed methods are listed in the Apply menu if they are also shared with the component (see section Description of label editor).
  • Formulas inserted in styled text areas or 4D Write Pro documents through the ST INSERT EXPRESSION command - disallowed methods are automatically rejected.
  • 4D View Pro documents - by default, if the VP SET ALLOWED METHODS command has never been called during the session, 4D View Pro formulas only accept methods defined by SET ALLOWED METHODS. However, using VP SET ALLOWED METHODS is recommended. See Declaring allowed method.

By default, if you do not use the SET ALLOWED METHODS command, no method is enterable (using an unauthorized method in an expression causes an error).

In the methodsArray parameter, pass the name of an array containing the list of methods to allow. The array must have been set previously.

You can use the wildcard character (@) in method names to define one or more authorized method groups.

If you would like the user to be able to call 4D commands that are unauthorized by default or plug-in commands, you must use specific methods that handle these commands.

Note: Formula filtering access can be disabled for all users or for the Designer and Administrator via an option on the "Security" page of the Settings. If the "Disabled for all" option is checked, the SET ALLOWED METHODS command will have no effect.


This command only filters the input of methods, not their execution. It does not control the execution of formulas created outside the application.


This example authorizes all methods starting with “formula” and the “Total_general” method to be entered by the user in protected contexts:

 ARRAY TEXT(methodsArray;2)

Voir également



Numéro de commande805
Thread safe✗