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Versão: 20 R5

On Window Opening Denied

CodePode ser chamado porDefinição
53Área webUma janela pop-up foi bloqueada
19 R5On Drop


This event is generated when the opening of a pop-up window is blocked by the Web area. As áreas Web de 4D não permitem a abertura de janelas pop-up.

Puede identificar la URL bloqueada utilizando el comando WA Get last filtered URL.

This event is also triggered when a drop operation has been done in the Web area (with embedded and Wwindows system engines) if the Drag and drop option is also enabled for the area. Pode aceitar a entrega chamando:

//web area object method
If (FORM Event.code=On Window Opening Denied)
WA OPEN URL(*; "WebArea"; WA Get last filtered URL(*; "WebArea"))
// or UrlVariable:=WA Get last filtered URL(*; "WebArea")
// where UrlVariable is the URL variable associated to the web area
End if

Veja também

On Open External Link