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Get locked records info

Get locked records info ( aTable ) -> Function result

aTableTable🡒Table where you want to get locked records
Function resultObject🡐Description of locked records (if any)


The Get locked records info command returns an object containing different information about the currently locked record(s) in aTable.

Note: The command works only with 4D and 4D Server. It returns an invalid object when called from 4D Remote. However, it can be called in this context if the "Execute on server" option is activated for the calling method. In this case, the object returned will contain information about the server. When called from a component, it always applies to the host database.

The returned object contains a "records" property which is a collection of objects:

{    "records": [        description object,        (…)    ]}

Each "description object" collection element identifies a locked record in the specified table. It contains different properties depending on the origin of the lock (4D process or REST API).

  • If the record was locked by a 4D process:
contextIDUUID (String)UUID of the database context responsible for the lock
contextAttributesObjectObject containing information similar to the LOCKED BY command but applied to the record, the difference being that Get locked records info returns the user name defined in the system and not that of the 4D user, as well as additional information (see below).
recordNumberLongintRecord number of the locked record

The contextAttributes object is made up of the following properties:

task_idNumberProcess reference number
user_nameStringUser name defined by operating system
user4d_aliasStringUser alias defined with SET USER ALIAS, otherwise user name in the 4D database directory
user4d_idNumber4D user number(*)
host_nameStringName of host machine
task_nameStringProcess name
client_versionNumberVersion of client application
Only when command is executed on 4D Server and if record locking comes from a remote 4D:
is_remote_contextBooleanIndicates whether a remote 4D is the origin of the locking (always true since otherwise it is not present)
client_uidUUID (String)UUID of 4D remote at the origin of the locking

(*) Only returned in binary databases. You can get the 4D user name from the value of user4d_id by using the following code:

 GET USER LIST($arrNames;$arrIDs)
 $User4DName:=Find in array($arrIDs;user4d_id)
  • If the record was locked by the $lock REST request (at session level):
hostStringURL with which the entity has been locked, e.g. ""
IPAddrStringIP address used in the URL with which the entity has been locked, e.g. ""
recordNumberIntegerRecord number of the locked record
userAgentStringUser agent of the locker, e.g. "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.81 Safari/537.36"


You execute the following code:

 $vOlocked :=Get locked records info([Table])

If two records were locked in the [Table] table, the following object is returned in $vOlocked:

{    "records": [        {            "contextID": "A9BB84C0E57349E089FA44E04C0F2F25",            "contextAttributes": {                "task_id": 8,                "user_name": "roland",                "user4d_id": 1,                "host_name": "iMac de roland",                "task_name": "P_RandomLock",                "client_version": -1342106592            },            "recordNumber": 1        },        {            "contextID": "8916338D1B8A4D86B857D92F593CCAC3",            "contextAttributes": {                "task_id": 9,                "user_name": "roland",                "user4d_id": 1,                "host_name": "iMac de roland",                "task_name": "P_RandomLock",                "client_version": -1342106592            },            "recordNumber": 2        }    ]}

If the code is executed on a 4D Server and the locking is caused by a remote client machine, the following object is returned in $vOlocked:

{    "records": [        {            "contextID": "B0EC087DC2FA704496C0EA15DC011D1C",            "contextAttributes": {                "task_id": 2,                 "user_name": "achim",                 "user4d_id": 1,                "host_name": "achim-pcwin",                "task_name": "P_RandomLock",                 "is_remote_context": true,                "client_uid": "0696E66F6CD731468E6XXX581A87554A",                "client_version": -268364752            },            "recordNumber": 1        }    ]}

See also
