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LDAP LOGIN ( url ; login ; password {; digest} )

urlString🡒URL of LDAP server to connect to
loginString🡒Login entry
passwordString🡒Password of login entry
digestLongint🡒0 = send password in digest MD5 (default), 1 = send password without encryption


The LDAP LOGIN command opens a read-only connection to the LDAP server specified in the url parameter with the login and password identifiers provided. If accepted by the server, this connection will be used for any LDAP searches executed subsequently in the current process until the LDAP LOGOUT command is executed (or until the process is closed).

In url, pass the full URL of the LDAP server you want to connect to, including the scheme and port (389 by default). This parameter should be compliant with rfc2255.
You can open secure connections over TLS by using a url that starts with "ldaps" and uses a specific port number (for example "ldaps://"). The LDAP server must have an SSL Certificate (at least for Microsoft Active Directory). Using a TLS connection is highly recommended when the password is sent in plain text (see below).

Note: If you pass an empty string in the url parameter, the command will try to connect to the default LDAP server available on the domain; (this feature is intended for testing purposes only, for performance reasons it should not be used in production).

In login, pass the user account on the LDAP server, and in password, pass the user password. By default, the login can be one of the following login strings, depending on the LDAP Server configuration:

  • a Distinguished Name (DN), for example "CN=John Smith,OU=users,DC=example,DC=com"
  • the user name (CN), for example "CN=John Smith"
  • an e-mail address, for example ""
  • an SAM-Account-Name, for example "jsmith".

Note that accepted values for the login are related to the password transmission mode as defined by the digest parameter. For example, in a default MS Active Directory configuration:

  • When the transmission mode is LDAP password MD5, the only accepted value for a login is the SAM-Account-Name.
  • When the transmission mode is LDAP password plain text (clear text), the login parameter can be either DN, CN or an e-mail address. An SAM-Account-Name is also accepted but only when preceded by the domain name (for example, "").

The digest parameter allows you to modify the way the password is transmitted over the network. You can use one of the following constants, located in the "LDAP" theme:

LDAP password MD5Longint0(Default) Send password encrypted in MD5
LDAP password plain textLongint1Send password with no encryption (TLS connection recommended)

By default, the password is transmitted in digest MD5. Pass LDAP password plain text if necessary, for example if you want to use different login type values with the LDAP server. In a production environment, it is recommended to use a TLS connection for the url.

Note: Authentication with an empty password lets you enter the anonymous binding mode (if authorized by the LDAP server). However, in this mode, errors can be thrown if you try to perform any operation that is not allowed in this kind of bind.

If the login parameters are valid, a connection to the LDAP server is opened in the 4D process. You can then search and retrieve information using LDAP commands.

Do not forget to call the LDAP LOGOUT command when the connection to the LDAP server is no longer necessary.

Example 1

You want to log in to an LDAP server and do a search:

 ARRAY TEXT($_tabAttributes;0)
 APPEND TO ARRAY($_tabAttributes;"cn")
 APPEND TO ARRAY($_tabAttributes;"phoneNumber")
 LDAP LOGIN("ldap://";"John Smith";"qrnSurBret2elburg")
 $vfound:=LDAP Search("OU=UO_Users,DC=ACME,DC=com";”cn=John Doe";LDAP all levels;$_tabAttributes)
 LDAP LOGOUT //do not forget to log out

Example 2

This example tries to connect to an application:

 ON ERR CALL("ErrHdlr") //handle errors
 If(ppBindMode=1) //if password mode is default
    LDAP LOGIN(vUrlLdap;vUserCN;vPwd;LDAP password MD5)
    LDAP LOGIN(vUrlLdap;vUserCN;vPwd;LDAP password plain text)
 End if
 Case of
       ALERT(" You are now connected to your LDAP server.  ")
       ALERT("Error in your parameters")
 End case

See also