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WA SET PREFERENCE ( {* ;} object ; selector ; value )

*Operator🡒If specified, object is an object name (string) If omitted, object is a variable
objectForm object🡒Object name (if * is specified) or Variable (if * is omitted)
selectorLongint🡒Preference to be modified
valueBoolean🡒Value of the preference (True = allowed, False = not allowed)


The WA SET PREFERENCE command sets different preferences for the Web area designated by the * and object parameters.

Pass the preference to be modified in the selector parameter and the value to be assigned to it in the value parameter. In selector, you can pass one of the following constants, found in the Web Area theme:

WA enable contextual menu4Allow the display of a standard contextual menu in the Web area. Default (any engine) = False
WA enable URL drop101Change drop icon and call On Window Opening Denied event when URLs or files are dropped in the Web area. Default (any engine) = False
WA enable Web inspector100Allow the display of the Web inspector in the area. Default (any engine) = False

For each preference, pass True in value to activate it and False to deactivate it.


To enable URL drops in the 'myarea' Web area:

  //in the form method
 WA SET PREFERENCE(*;"myarea";WA enable URL drop;True)
  //in web area object method
 If(FORM Event.code=On Window Opening Denied)
    WA OPEN URL(*;"myarea";WA Get last filtered URL(*;"WebArea"))
 End if

See also